Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi

Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi


Theaterwissenschaft (Gegenwartstheater/Theatergeschichte)
Rotes Kolleg
Ritterstraße 16-22, Room 104
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30402
Fax: +49 341 97 - 30409

Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi

Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi

Institute Head

Institute of Theatre Studies
Rotes Kolleg
Ritterstraße 16-22, Room 104
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30402
Fax: +49 341 97 - 30409


Patrick Primavesi is professor and head of department at the Institute of Theatre Studies. He is in the directorial board of the Dance Archive Leipzig and deputy director of the Centre of Competence for Theatre (CCT). From 2013 to 2019 he was Dean of Studies at the Faculty of History, Arts and Area Studies. Until 2008 he was research assistant at the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media studies at the University of Frankfurt/Main, were he and Hans-Thies Lehmann established a Master programme in dramaturgy.


Since 2016, he leads the working group AG ARCHIV in the German Society for Theatre Studies (gtw) with Franziska Voss (performing Since 2021 he participates in the DFG Consortium NFDI4Culture. His research projects and publications focus on the history and theory of theatre, dance, and performance, on the critique of representation and on transcultural perspectives, on public spheres, movement in urban space, and archives of cultural heritage in digital environments.